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Which work might have been backed by brand new Federal Place of work from Geography, Swisstopo (PI

Which work might have been backed by brand new Federal Place of work from Geography, Swisstopo (PI

The fact that fluid-driven aseismic slip can develop beyond the zone immediately impacted by the injection has implications on the approaches for estimation of the maximumimum magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes. The most conventional methods assume that either the upper limit for seismic moment release is constrained by the pressure-induced stress change (deterministic approach of McGarr, 2014 ) or the ruptured area falls entirely within the pressurized volume (geometrical approach of Shapiro et al., 2011 ). Because seismic moments can be accommodated by aseismic slip in and outside the pressurized zone, including the contribution of stress changes due to aseismic slip in these deterministic and geometrical approaches would be beneficial in the estimate of maximum plausible magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes, Mmax. Although it is difficult to distinguish between the aseismic and seismic regimes in data sets of observed induced seismicity, including the contribution of aseismic processes in the induced seismic hazard analyses through hydromechanical fault models would likely result in a lower maximum possible magnitude.


C. Nussbaum); from the French bodies, from the HYDROSEIS enterprise less than offer ANR-13-JS06-0004-01 (PI. Continue reading Which work might have been backed by brand new Federal Place of work from Geography, Swisstopo (PI